Benefits of listening to music while training

fitness food tips healthy tips lifestyle music Sep 25, 2022

By Sophia McDermott, Lifestyle Coach & Fitness Expert. 

Creating the habit of listening to music while exercising can help with your results.


Physical activity is not just linked to the practice of a sport, several daily activities, such as walking with your pet, cleaning the house, and walking to work, are ways to keep the body moving. But also all these are great opportunities to listen to your music. Music has the power to promote health benefits, it can help treat emotional pain, relieve anxiety and stress, as well as improve mood and even better sleep. So basically, don’t pigeon hole physical activity just to the gym. And make the time you are moving your body enjoyable with your fav music!


Check out 5 benefits that listening to music during working out can provide:

1 – Decreases perceived exertion


Practicing exercises combined with a playlist you like reduces the perception of effort, which can improve training performance. Basically, being absorbed in the music is a distraction of sorts for how hard you are working.


2 – Helps to give rhythm


Listening to music during physical activity promotes body awareness, in addition to stimulating the motor area of ​​the brain. We know that it is essential to maintain the rhythm in training so that it is effective and musical rhythm helps to improve your output and speed of exercises, which contributes to better results. 


3 – Improve your mood


Sometimes it's hard to go to the gym or to do your workouts, especially on the coldest days. So, listening to a song that cheers you up, while putting on your training clothes, is already changing your mood to leave the house excited and motivated for a super workout. The simple act of putting on some really energetic music with a good beat can get you motivated and joyful about your workout.


4 – Raises pleasure levels during training


With our hectic lifestyles we can feel stressed with lots of tension and tiredness. Working out releases endorphins which are your pleasure/feel good hormones These promote a feeling of happiness, and well-being, gives you more vigor, and, without a doubt, with more energy. And they also mitigate your aches and pains. Moving along to music which further enhances your mood is a win win on so many levels!


5 – Induces being on the move

You will realize that with the songs that stimulate you the most, you won't want to stay still, no matter how hard it is being a workout, the brain will make you feel like "I want more". At the end of the workout, you will notice that your body will still be “excited” because of all those ‘feel good’ endorphins that we discussed. So even after your workout you’ll feel more inclined to go run some errands, do some gardening and other active stuff rather than sit on the couch watching TV. 


If you are feeling unmotivated to move your body,  simple start playing your favorite tunes especially those energetic songs will good beats. This will lift your mood, wake you up and you’ll be skipping and jumping all the way to the gym and back! 

So, take care of creating your playlist, choose the songs that cheer you up, and go get your groove on!

